Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree building with RAxML-ng (via UNIX/conda)

  • In this worksheet you will learn how create a Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree using RAxML-NG

Suggested prerequisites



  1. Create a directory to store the analysis and then change directory into that directory
mkdir raxmlng_demo
cd raxmlng_demo
  1. Download the dataset from 16S_Staph_example_aligned.fasta
    • You can save this directly to your terminal current working directory by using the wget command (wget can be installed via conda).
  1. Install RAxML-NG using conda
    • It is recommended to always install packages in their own environments so here will we create an enironment and install RAxML-NG in one step.
      mamba create -n raxmlng -c bioconda raxml-ng -y
      mamba activate raxmlng
  2. Run RAxML-NG on the downloaded sequences
  • --all indicates that you want to both build the ML tree and also perform extensive bootstrap analyses.
  • --msa is the name of the input aligned set of sequences file
  • --model is the evolutionary model you wish to use. You can learn about evolutionary models in this set of slides
    • For RAxML-NG it is almost always ok to use the GTR+G model
  • --prefix is the identifying string you wish to have at the start of every output file
  • --threads is the number of threads to dedicate to the program. I have 8 threads on my computer so am dedicating 7 for this
    raxml-ng --all --msa 16S_Staph_example_aligned.fasta --model GTR+G --prefix 16S_Staph_example --threads 7
  1. RAxML-NG outputs the following files:
    • 16S_Staph_example.raxml.bestModel: The model of evolution used by RAxML-NG, which is estimated during the run
    • 16S_Staph_example.raxml.bestTree: The maximum likelihood tree without the bootstrap values
    • 16S_Staph_example.raxml.bootstraps: The individual trees produced at every bootstrap replicate
    • 16S_Staph_example.raxml.log: The log file outlining the individual steps undertaken by RAxML-NG
    • 16S_Staph_example.raxml.mlTrees: RAxML-NG by default runs the ML algorithm 20 times and selects the best run (to try and avoid local maxima). This file stores the trees from all 20 runs.
    • 16S_Staph_example.raxml.rba: The input alignment stored in a binary format
    • 16S_Staph_example.raxml.startTree: RAxML-NG by default runs the ML algorithm 20 times and selects the best run (to try and avoid local maxima). Each of these has a starting tree built with either parsimony or random on which the ML algorithm begins. This file stores the starting trees from all 20 runs
    • The maximum likelihood tree with the bootstrap values
    • This is the tree you usually want to use for further analyses
  2. Deactivate your mamba environment when finished
    mamba deactivate