Bacterial genomic epidemiology and strain typing

  • This tutorial outlines the basics concepts in undertaking clustering and typing of bacterial strains

Learning outcomes

  • State the different levels at which bacterial typing occurs
  • Explain the basis of ANI and MLST for species and strain typing
  • State the differences between MLST and cgMLST in terms of resolution and use
  • Recognise MinHash and MST approaches for genomic epidemiology
  • Implement the MLST and PopPUNK tools for undertaking typing and clustering


Approximate time to finish tutorial

  • Lecture: 30 mins
  • Tutorials: 30 mins
  • Pre/post surveys: 10 minutes

Order of tutorial

Please do the pre-learning quiz, then watch the presentation.
Once finished the tutorial, take the post-learing quiz.

Genomic Epidemiology And Strain Typing Pre-tutorial Survey



Typing bacteria using MLST (via UNIX)

Typing bacteria using MLST (via Galaxy)

Undertaking genomic epidemiology using PopPUNK

Genomic Epidemiology And Strain Typing Post-tutorial Survey

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