Bar charts in R

  • In this worksheet you will learn how to create a bar chart using R

Required prerequisite(s)

Suggested prerequisite(s)


  • This demonstration uses UnpairedDataset1.tsv as bar charts are not always suitable for paired data.


  1. Open RStudio
  2. Read in the UnpairedDataset1.tsv file. The read.delim will automatically assign row 1 as a header so no extra flags need to be passed to it
    unpaired <- read.delim(UnpairedDataset1.tsv")
  3. The package ggplots2 is best for creating figures. Install the package (if needed) and load the library
  4. To create a chart the data must in a ‘melted’ long format. Install the reshape 2 package (if needed) and then load the library
  5. Melt the data frame so it is in the right format for ggplot2
  6. The steps below are different ways to create bar charts, we more options added at each step. You don’t have to run each in order this way, you can skip to step 9 for the full chart; steps 7 and 8 are just for illustrative purposes
  7. We create the chart by telling ggplot2 we want the variable (groups) on the x-axis and the measurements (values) on the y-axis
    ggplot(data=meltedUnpaired, aes(x=variable, y=value))+geom_bar(stat="identity")
  8. We can also add labels to each axis to better describe the data
    ggplot(data=meltedUnpaired, aes(x=variable, y=value))+geom_bar(stat="identity") +labs(y= "Measurement", x = "Group")
  9. We can also add colour each bar by the group name
    ggplot(data=meltedUnpaired, aes(x=variable, y=value, fill=variable))+geom_bar(stat="identity") +labs(y= "Measurement", x = "Group")
  10. Once happy with the chart, we can save it to file
    ggsave(file="unpairedBarChart.png", plot=last_plot())

Further options for ggplot2 bar charts